Requesting Material for the Collection

Memorial Library strives to meet the educational and informational needs of Berry's students, faculty and staff. We welcome suggestions for adding new materials to the library collection.  



  • Timeline. Turnaround can vary from three weeks to several months.

    Email to inquire about your requests at any time.

  • Format. Unless otherwise specified, the least expensive form (usually print) will be purchased. Please note if electronic format is preferred. 
  • Priorities. If submitting multiple requests, please provide priority, as budget restrictions may apply.


Careful consideration is required in establishing new journal subscriptions, since journals represent an ongoing commitment of fiscal resources. Criteria often used in evaluating titles for inclusion in the collection include: 

  • relevance to the present academic curriculum or to curricular initiatives
  • strength of the existing collection in the title's subject area
  • present use of other serials in this subject area and projected future use
  • cost and format
  • reputation of the journal and the publisher
  • the tools which index or otherwise provide access to the title
  • prior use of the title via inter-library loan

Additional information:

  • Format. In general, online subscriptions are preferred over print when available. Justification for print subscriptions to titles that are available online include cost, usability and completeness of content, and a department or program’s desire to maintain a browsing collection of high-interest titles.
  • Justification. Each request for a new subscription must be accompanied by a written statement justifying the need for the resource (see request form). We will look primarily for indications that a requested resource will support teaching. Still, other considerations might include the number of faculty interested in its purchase, its usefulness to more than one department, whether it is necessary for accreditation, etc.  
  • Timeline: Requests are forwarded to the librarian liaison for the department or program, who makes a recommendation to the Library’s collection development committee. Requests submitted no later than September 1 of each year will allow time to evaluate the request, complete the order process and begin receiving issues at the start of the following calendar year.
  • Department or program approval. The person initiating the request discusses the need for the subscription with members of the relevant department or program, and assures that the request is supported by departmental or program consensus. Departments or programs may be asked to prioritize requests.