Kennesaw State University Dual-Degree Engineering Program Requirements

Additional requirements for the DDE program with KSU are given below.

  1. The student must have an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher to be admitted to KSU as a transfer student.  However, the student must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher in required courses to be admitted to engineering candidacy (which allows you to take engineering courses) in their chosen engineering field.  Required courses vary depending on the field, so students should discuss requirements with their advisor or the DDE coordinator.  Note that KSU does not use plus/minus grading, so all grades should be converted to A, B, C, etc. before computing GPA.  Only courses that transfer to KSU should be used in computing GPAs.  Transfer equivalencies can be found using KSU's Online Transfer Equivalency Database.
  2. KSU requires a course in World History.  Students should take HIS 154 or 155 at Berry to satisfy this requirement.
  3. Some engineering fields (computer, electrical, mechanical, and industrial & systems engineering) require a probability and statistics course.  This requirement can be fulfilled by Berry's MAT 311 course.
  4. Students interested in environmental engineering should take BIO 111. Students interested in industrial & systems engineering should take ACC 201. 
  5. Students must apply for transfer admission to KSU before the application deadline.  The deadline to apply for Fall admission is June 17.  The deadline to apply for Spring admission is November 6.  See KSU's Admission page for more details.

For more information, please consult KSU’s Transfer Services page and KSU's Engineering page.