

As a Berry student, you are expected to uphold the following community standards:

  1. Show respect for yourself and others.
  2. Maintain integrity in personal and academic affairs.
  3. Respect property, neighbors and the environment.
  4. Be responsible citizens

Purpose of the Campus Conduct System

The code of student conduct and the campus conduct system exist to educate students about their personal and community responsibilities at Berry College. The purposes of the campus conduct system are:

  1. To uphold Berry standards of conduct.
  2. To hold students accountable for violations of community standards.
  3. To provide students an opportunity to learn from mistakes by taking responsibility for their behavior.
  4. To protect the community when a student’s behavior calls for action by the community.

The campus conduct system includes all members of the Berry community with students, faculty and staff participating on hearing and appeal boards and on committees that create and revise the code of conduct.

Learn more about the Student Code of Conduct


An Equal Opportunity Institution, Berry complies with all applicable laws and provisions prohibiting discrimination in its educational and employment policies. Berry respects the essential dignity of all individuals and accordingly hires and promotes employees without regard to matters of personal identity such as ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and political affiliation.


Berry is committed to creating a safe and caring community for all students, faculty and staff. We are also committed to education and restorative education when bias occurs. If you have experienced or witnessed behavior that you have concerns about, please report that behavior here.

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