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Logo File Formats
Berry College makes the following logo files available to the campus community for use in print and web media, products and apparel promoting college programs and events, and class projects under the guidance of faculty. They are not to be used in advertising or the sale of goods without express permission from the appropriate college officials. Permission for their use by any individual, company or organization outside of Berry College must be obtained by contacting creativedirector@berry.edu. Please refer to the Berry Identity Standards for information about approved uses and applications of the college’s logos.
The chart below will help you determine the best logo file format for your intended use and software. Note that EPS files are vector file types, while JPG and PNG files are raster images. Vector art can be enlarged or reduced to any size without losing quality. Raster images can be reduced in size, but not enlarged. Enlarging raster images will result in poor reproduction.
Banners/Signs | R | ||
Embroidery | R | ||
Online (HTML emails, website, etc.) | O | R | |
Promotional Items | R | ||
Silkscreening (t-shirts) | R | ||
Vehicle Graphics | R |
Adobe Illustrator | R | ||
Adobe InDesign | R | ||
Adobe Photoshop | R | O | O |
CMS (OmniUpdate, WordPress, etc.) | O | R | |
Final Cut Pro | R | ||
Microsoft Excel | R | O | |
Microsoft PowerPoint | R | O | |
Microsoft Word | R | O | |
Web Publishing Software (Dreamweaver) | O | R | |
QuarkXpress | R |
R = Recommended File Type
O = Optional File Type
Please Do
Maintain correct proportion when resizing art. To enlarge or reduce art proportionally in most applications, hold the ‘Shift’ key and simultaneously pull one of the corners of the art. (Hold the ‘Shift’ and ‘Command’ keys in InDesign.) Do not use “auto-fit” or “fit content to frame” commands because they do not guarantee proportional resizing.
Please Do Not
Rotate, distort, deconstruct or modify colors. The Crest “B” must never be the same color as the wordmark. The wordmark must always be either Berry Blue (Pantone© 281 Blue) or reversed.

For information on logo usage requirements and guidelines, download the Berry College Brand and Identity Standards. All logos are copyrighted by Berry College.
When clicking links to the EPS version of logos, you should be automatically prompted to download. For JPG and PNG versions you will be taken to a web preview of the higher resolution logo. Right click on that larger preview image and choose SAVE IMAGE AS... to download to your computer.