Marc Hunsaker

marc-hunsaker.jpgName: Marc Hunsaker
Title: Dean of Personal & Professional Development
Phone: 706.236.2292
Hometown: Columbia, South Carolina
Education: Ph.D. in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education (2019), Michigan State University

  • Dissertation: "Closing the Sunday-Monday Gap: Vocational Transformation Narratives of Christian Young Adults"

Masters of Education (2012), Covenant Theological Seminary
Masters of Divinity (2009), Covenant Theological Seminary
Bachelor of Arts, English (2002), University of South Carolina

Ask Me About

Vocational formation (i.e., integration of faith and work), discernment (i.e., identifying a sense of calling), and wayfinding (i.e., exploring via experience), theology and history of vocation, purpose development, facilitating meaningful work, future of the workforce/higher education, teaching and learning, T-shaped students/professionals, young adult faith development, Reformed theology, design thinking, and Life Design. 

Best pieces of professional advice you’ve ever received

"Work hard, be kind, and know your stuff"; "Focus on progress over perfection"; "Faster alone, further together". 

Favorite job as a college student

Waiting tables, hands down. I learned a ton of transferrable skills (e.g., time management, communication, customer service, creative problem solving), and I think everyone should spend some time working as a server.

Childhood career ambition

As a child, I wanted to be a Jedi. As a pre-teen, I wanted to be like Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society. On really good days, my current job feels like a mix of both.

Favorite spot on campus

The Reservoir, followed closely by 3rd floor Krannert. Both places require a bit of hike, but the experience there is often quite beautiful (and well worth the effort).

Favorite assessment tool/career search tool

Personal experience, self-reflection skills, and a wise mentor. Berry’s new PathwayU tool and BCC150 (Life Design) courses are pretty great too.

Favorite quote

"I can only answer the question 'What am I to do?' if I can answer the prior question 'Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?'" - Alasdair MacIntyre

Favorite thing about working with Berry students in CPPD

Helping students get “unstuck”, develop a sense of personal and professional purpose, and (re)imagine all the amazing things they could do with their lives and through their work.

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