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The Chemistry Department offers externally accredited degrees in both Chemistry and Biochemistry. These accredited degrees are especially helpful for those students planning on attending graduate school to obtain a Masters or Ph.D. in Chemistry, Biochemistry or Molecular Biology.
Our accreditation includes that of the American Chemical Society (ACS); only 15 other chemistry programs in Georgia are ACS-approved. Berry College offers degree options in both Chemistry and Biochemistry that have been approved by the American Chemical Society.
ACS-certified chemistry degree requirements
ACS-certified biochemistry degree requirements
Visit the ACS website for more information.
We have also earned the distinction of approval by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB); only 64 other Colleges and Universities in the United States are ASBMB-approved. Berry College offers a Biochemistry degree option approved by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
ASBMB-certified biochemistry degree requirements
Visit the ASBMB website for more information.
The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department secured funding from the National Science Foundation to bring a high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instrument to Berry College.
Visit the NSF website for more information.