History PLUS


History PLUS Global Issues
If you’re interested in public policy and international relations, combining the study of history with a minor in foreign language, international affairs, or Latin American and Caribbean studies will serve you well. The most well-intentioned humanitarian and political programs can only address immediate issues when policy makers have an awareness of the historical contexts from which particular circumstances evolved.

Our faculty will provide guidance on your study abroad experience. Recent students have done coursework in Austria, England and South Africa. Our graduates have served in the Peace Corps, the Department of State, and the international and tourism industry. They have taught at educational institutions in Europe and Latin America.

History PLUS Justice
The study of history will give you skills essential to a legal profession: methods of investigation, the use of reason and the ability to weigh evidence. The department’s upper level courses will add practical value to your degree by requiring you to ascertain, organize, interpret and communicate facts.

You’ll be career-ready with experience beyond the classroom. Our students have done internships with the Rome District Attorney’s office, local law firms and the Floyd County Victim Witness Assistance Program.

Our graduates work at the United States Department of Justice, the Georgia Attorney General’s office and private law firms. They are also legal analysts at financial news organizations.

History PLUS the Public
Campus jobs can assist students in obtaining technical facility in public history areas. You might work at Oak Hill and the Martha Berry Museum, Berry Archives, the Martha Berry Digital Archives, the Berry College Oral History Project, Berry Public Relations and Marketing, and Viking Fusion. 

You’ll be well prepared by linking the study of history to a minor in public relations or art and completing an internship at a historic site. Berry students have interned at the City Library and Archives in Dublin, Ireland, the Booth Western Art Museum and Oak Hill and the Martha Berry Museum.

Our graduates have worked at the Smithsonian Museum, Mount Vernon, Harper’s Ferry, the High Museum of Art, and other museums and historical sites located in the United States and internationally.

Snapshot of Additional Specializations

PLUS Enterprise: Major in history; minor in business or economics; and intern at a non-profit or private business.

History PLUS Gender: Major in history; minor in women’s and gender studies; and study abroad or complete an internship with an organization that focuses on women’s issues.

History PLUS Technology: Major in history; minor in computer science, web development or creative technologies; and intern in a digital humanities field.

History PLUS the Environment: Major in history; minor in environmental studies, biology or geology; and demonstrate competency in geographic information systems (GIS).

History PLUS Writing: Major in history; minor in English, philosophy, public relations or creative writing; and give a public presentation of your work.