Stipulations of Use of Grant Funds

Each George Scholar will receive up to a $4,000 grant to be used to conduct and present the research. The Scholar is limited to using $2,000 during year one, but may access any leftover funds during year two. Some exceptions to this policy may apply, for instance when a Scholar needs more than $2,000 in year 1 to purchase materials or equipment critical to their project. Use of funds post-graduation (e.g., presentation at a conference) must be approved by the Psychology Department Chair and School Dean prior to the student’s graduation, and funds may not be used once the next academic year has commenced. Any unused funds will remain as surplus in the George Scholars budget.

Funds may be used to pay for research-related costs such as:

  • Computer software
  • Testing instruments
  • Materials and supplies
  • Workshop or conference registration and expenses
  • Books/reference materials

If the project requires purchase of equipment (e.g., computer) defined as a durable good with a 2 + year longevity and/or cost of $1,000 or more, the rationale must be articulated in the budget proposal. If it is deemed necessary to purchase equipment, the Office for Information Technology should be contacted to assist with purchasing. All equipment will become the property of Berry College once the project is completed. Grants cannot be used to cover tuition, fees, room, or board at Berry College.

Scholars should work with their faculty mentor to revise budgets as research costs incur and are advised to share major changes in proposed budgets with the George Scholar Coordinator. Scholars are expected to complete purchase orders and expense vouchers for all purchases and travel with the appropriate documentation. Completed expense vouchers should be submitted to the Departmental Secretary to record in the Scholars’ account within two weeks of returning from travel to a professional meeting. A typed itemized spreadsheet, listing expenses for each date of travel, and documentation of all expenses greater than $10.00, should accompany the expense voucher. In addition, purchases made with a debit or credit card must have the George Scholar recipients name on the card. Reimbursement of expenses is dependent upon approval of the Psychology Department Chair and School Dean.

The Scholars’ funds cannot be used to support faculty or guest expenses including, purchases, memberships in professional societies, or travel. Scholars’ funds may be used for contractual services, such as translators, research facilitators, or research participant compensation. Funds may not be used to hire student research assistants or family members. 


The faculty mentor will receive $1000 ($500 after year one, and $500 after year two) as compensation for supporting the Scholars’ research and professional goals. There are no limitations on use of the stipend and no expense vouchers are necessary.

Mentors should meet one hour per week or as needed with Scholars to provide guidance and ensure forward progress on their projects. Additionally, they should encourage and assist Scholars in fulfilling their obligations of showcasing the George Scholars program to the George family, the campus community, and professionals in the discipline.

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