Contributing to GOAL (SRELC)

To contribute a portion of your 2023 state tax liability:

First, decide how much you would like to redirect:

  • Single filers – up to $2,500
  • Married and filing jointly – up to $5,000
  • Individual owner of an S-Corporation, LLC, or Partnership (pass- through entity) – up to $25,000
  • C-Corporations – up to 75% of Georgia tax liability

Next, complete an online form to request permission to redirect a portion of your 2023 tax liability. We recommend completing this form as soon as possible and before December 15, 2022. The Georgia GOAL Scholarship program office will then send your request to the Georgia Department of Revenue on January 1, 2023.

The third step is very important: Be prepared to send in your contribution amount within a 60 day window after the date of your approval to be a 2023 Georgia GOAL Donor. Contributions are sent directly to Georgia GOAL. You may make your contribution with a credit card or by check. The estimated 60 day window for 2023 GOAL Donors is early January to early March. You must send your contribution to Georgia GOAL within the 60 days, and your dollars will become scholarship dollars for our SRELC GOAL students.

Remember, you are redirecting your tax liability that would accrue throughout the 2023 tax year. You will receive a dollar for dollar tax credit for this amount when you file your 2023 taxes in 2024.

To learn more about the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program, go to and/or contact Jane Cavaness, Director, for help at the SRELC Office 706.314.6014

Contribute to GOAL 2023