

Your amazing Berry experiences

You know who you are, where you’ve been and what you’ve done. Now, you have to help potential employers and graduate schools understand how those experiences make you a very desirable candidate. Below are some ways we can help you become better prepared to talk about your experiences with others:

  • Schedule a Career Advising Appointment - Log into Handshake and schedule a time to meet with your Career Consultant and cover one of the following topics to refine your application strategies and professional documents /communication skills:
    • Resume / Cover Letter Critiques
    • Personal Statement Reviews
    • Mock Interviews
    • Interview Prep Sessions
    • Job Search / Application Strategies
  • Attend One of Our Professional Communication Events - Log into Handshake to check on upcoming opportunities.
    • Resume Bootcamps - Learn the basics of targeting your resume to a particular employer by sharing what you have done, how you have done it and the outcomes of your experiences.
    • LinkedIn and Networking – LinkedIn helps you grow and maintain your professional network. This workshop will highlight personal branding and strategic connections.
    • Jobs searches and Interviewing – Developing a strategy as a part of your job search is critical. This workshop will highlight the various components as well as share tips for how to prepare for and navigate the interview process.
  • Take a Course Focused on Professional Communication
    • BCC 150 course – Professional Strategies & Branding
    • LinkedIn Learning Courses - Berry students have access to thousands of online courses on various business, technical and creative topics. Activate your LinkedIn Learning account to access content.
  • Graduate School - For some, Graduate or Professional School will be a necessary step for your desired field, or an additional degree can help you reach your goals. There are many fields that require additional credentials. While there are great reasons to go to Graduate School there are also reasons why Graduate School might not be the next best step. Go to our Graduate School resource page for more information.
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