Conduct Guidelines

Your attentiveness to performers or speakers and respect for the needs of other members of the audience is essential if attendance at Cultural Events is to be a meaningful experience. In keeping with this expectation, here are several specific and simple rules of conduct:

  • Be on time and stay for the whole event. Arriving late or leaving early disturbs the lecturers/performers and audience members alike. Students who arrive after the event begins will not receive credit for attending the event.
  • Be attentive and courteous. Do not talk, read, sleep, text or study during the event. Turn off your phone and any other electronic devices before entering the venue. These activities distract presenters and other audience members alike.
  • No food or drink. Food and beverages are not permitted at Cultural Events unless provided by the presenter.
  • All Berry faculty members, staff, and Cultural Events ushers have the authority to dismiss students who are not conducting themselves appropriately.