Angus Beef

Effectively and efficiently using our land and natural resources to provide great tasting beef, we at the Angus Beef Enterprise purchase cattle from the Berry beed unit, promoting healthy production practices and efficient use of Berry College’s 27,000 acres. The beef is processed at a facility inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture to ensure a high standard, then kept in its pure form, free from artificial ingredients and additives. We are located in Westcott 113.

Our Products

Find products like ground beef, chuck roast, short ribs, ribeye steaks and more for sale in The Shipyard, Berry’s campus retail store. Additionally, we sell our products at the Westcott building and local markets such as Georgia's Rome, Ridge Ferry, and the Cartersville markets. Listen to our advertisements on the 98.7 WRGA radio station.

Contact Us

Hunter Fossett, Farm Manager
Phone: 706.378.2930
Berry College P.O. BOX 495003
