News & Stories
January 5, 2024

Partners in education

Berry’s Charter School of Education and Human Sciences is partnering with four Georgia school systems – Rome City, Floyd County, Bartow County and Cartersville City – in a pilot program promoting the professional development of teachers by offering tuition assistance to those seeking Master of Education or Education Specialist degrees in education leadership or curriculum and instruction (with or without Tier I leadership certification embedded).

“This online, first-of-its-kind program and partnership will benefit our community in a multitude of ways,” said Bartow Superintendent Phillip Page. “Through this investment and collaborative structure, we are supporting our educators as they continue their focus on learning, expand classroom content knowledge and enhance their leadership skills.”

Charter School Dean Alan Hughes is excited by the potential of these partnerships to benefit teachers and students, noting that they could serve as models for similar collaborations with other systems in the future.

“The Charter School has a strong record of locating, cultivating and sustaining local partnerships,” Hughes stated. “We are committed to reaching out to and supporting local agencies and programs that serve citizens in Northwest Georgia. 

“Over the last two decades, the Charter School has built a diverse set of community partnerships that include local service agencies, area schools, health care providers and numerous nonprofits,” he added. “Building upon that legacy of community engagement, collaborations like these create opportunities for career advancement and social mobility, in turn allowing teachers to follow new career opportunities that can directly impact the students at all grade levels in their local communities.”

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