The college admissions process can be intimidating. Learn how to juggle all the pieces of the admissions process: deadlines, essays, testing, scholarships and more!
Get top tips from an exercise science expert on staying healthy in college. From fun campus fitness hacks to smart dining hall choices, learn how to thrive physically and mentally in school.
Discover how early and continuous classroom exposure transforms aspiring teachers into effective educators. Learn about the advantages of hands-on teaching practice, from improved retention rates to positive impacts on student achievement.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is one of the most important and stressful applications for college students. Learn how to simplify the process so you feel less intimidated while maximizing your financial aid opportunities in college.
Explore the key factors in choosing the right nursing program. Learn about different nursing degrees, the importance of student-centered environments and ways to find programs with high NCLEX pass rates and strong support. Make an informed decision for a successful nursing career.
Discover the power of gratitude for college students. Learn effective practices to manage stress, improve mental health and foster a positive mindset. Explore tips, research and college resources to make gratitude a part of daily life.
Trying to decide if Greek life is right for you? Weigh the pros and cons, learn more about what is required of Greek members while also exploring the social atmosphere of non-Greek affiliated campuses. Make an informed decision about what will best fit your college goals and personal values.
Gain insights from experienced parents on how to support your college-bound child. Curated by the student-life staff at Berry College, the piece features quotes and advice on topics such as setting realistic expectations, fostering relationships and promoting independence. Learn strategies to help your new college student thrive both emotionally and socially.
Learn about cybersecurity myths and how to protect yourself from phishing attacks with expert tips from Daniel Boyd at Berry College.
Deciding on a college? Learn how to evaluate a school’s culture and values to find the best fit for your personal and academic growth.
Deciding between graduate school and entering the workforce? Learn about the different graduate degrees and factors to consider for your next career step.
Ready to make college life smoother? Check out our latest blog for essential steps to secure the accommodations you need to thrive on campus. Your journey to success starts here!
Dream big and maximize the end of summer. Discover unique scholarships and fellowships that could fund your next big adventure! From research projects to leadership opportunities, start planning now to make the most of your future.
Exciting news for first-generation college students! Discover essential tips for navigating your college journey with confidence. From understanding support programs to budgeting and seeking help, we've got you covered! Dive in and empower your success!
Thinking about college? While online learning offers flexibility and cost savings, in-person education provides advantages that are hard to beat. Find out what will put you ahead in today’s job market on our blog.
With the rising costs of higher education, finding the right college job is crucial. Discover how you can excel in the classroom while gaining valuable career skills with job opportunities like LifeWorks at Berry.
Explore careers related to the environment! From atmospheric scientists to wildlife biologists, discover how a degree in environmental science opens doors to impactful green professions.
Feeling the pressure of exams? Explore our top 5 tips for strengthening your mental wellness during exam week and beyond.
Thinking about starting a business in college? Juggling studies and a new venture can be tough. You’ll need more than passion and smarts; you need a solid plan. Whether your idea is a dream or fully formed, here are 3 tips to get started.
Top Reasons to Choose a Four-year College Experience
Major vs. Fit - The Key to Your College Choice
Ever found yourself questioning your major or drowning in assignments? Between fall and spring semesters, it's common to rethink choices. We get it! Here are some college hacks to help you tackle 5 of the most common struggles head-on.
Whether your college career is just beginning or coming to an end, connecting with the right college mentor can help shape your future.
Pick the study abroad experience that’s right for you!
Now more than ever, a liberal arts degree gives graduates an edge in the job market.
Whether you’re a first year or a seasoned student looking to refine your study habits, here are the top five strategies for acing college.
Want a competitive edge in the job market? Data analytics skills give graduates the upper hand in nearly every industry.
Prepare for the parenting transition as your child embarks on their college journey. Managing expectations, nurture your relationship, and support their well-being throughout as they enter adulthood. Learn key insights for the time before they leave home and for helping them succeed in college.
Are you applying for a job? Are your online profiles ready for employer scrutiny? Go beyond a personal brand and follow these expert tips for crafting a professional online presence.
Ready to decorate your dorm room for the fall? Before you jump in, know where to start the conversation with your roommate. Here are our top 7 tips you need now.
If you’re headed to college orientation this summer, we’ve got the answers to all your need-to-know questions.
With the rapidly evolving economy and marketplace, students need to know what sets their major apart. Read more to find out why communication is a degree with staying power.
Our financial aid experts put together a guide and timeline for thinking through the different sources for funding college: scholarships, savings, work earnings and loans. Make college a reality today!
Students who study computer science are the future of technology in a range of different industries. Here is a list of the top five computer science-related jobs.
Nurses graduate with a lot of career options. That’s exciting, but it can be intimidating. Read expert advice on how to choose a nursing specialty and learn more about the best available options.