News & Stories
Spring Market Soap
May 24, 2021

startup experts from across the globe speak at entrepreneurship panel

Serial entrepreneur Isabelle Swiderski (Seven25, Lezervations, Protagoniste) and ecosystem builder based in Canada, led a panel of global startup experts with expertise in global ecosystems, sustainable energy, software as a service (SaaS), and agriculture led a discussion on the value of entrepreneurship. The panel consisted of Sherisse Hawkins, CEO of Pagedip and Content Futurist based in Colorado; Elvis Kadhama, co-founder of Pearl Entrepreneurs Academy in rural Uganda, and Robinson Lopez, CEO of Agros, based in Peru.

Talking points for the discussion were centered around each panelist’s journey to becoming an entrepreneur, as well as the insights that came to light when building their enterprise. The goal of the panel was to inspire attendees to embark on their own entrepreneurial journeys, and to equip them with the information they need in order to provide innovative solutions to problems in their communities.

At Berry, entrepreneurship students have the opportunity to research industry dynamics and competition to understand customers and their behavior, granting them the tools and training they need to develop a real-world business plan and compete to win prize money for their very own startups.

To learn more about entrepreneurship and innovation courses at Berry College, visit


Written by Public Relations Assistant Faythe Choate