News & Stories
April 12, 2023

Berry student earns prestigious study abroad scholarship 

A Berry College student recently earned a Gilman Scholarship from the State Department to study in South Korea.

Jacelyn Carter, a resident of Calhoun, Georgia, will study at Korea University from June to August, enrolling in courses for the Korean language. Carter is majoring in international affairs and minoring in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL).

“I am incredibly grateful and overjoyed for the chance that receiving the Gilman Scholarship has given me to support my study abroad,” Carter said. “I am most looking forward to the immersive experience and the various aspects of Korean culture that await.”

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is a nationally competitive study abroad scholarship for students with high financial need. The State Department selects students based on applications which highlight their academic merits, career trajectories, and plans to implement their learning once they return home.

The scholarship is worth up to $5,000, with a possible $3,000 added to it if the language is deemed critical to national security or diplomacy.

For more information about Berry’s study abroad programs, please visit


Written by Public Relations Student Assistant Elizabeth Chandler.

Office of Public Relations

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