News & Stories
August 24, 2018

Berry partners with the Rome Braves to help Communication students thrive

Working for the local Minor League Baseball team, the Rome Braves, has become a rite of passage for many Berry students. This definitely rings true for recent graduate Madison Eiberger (18C) and current student Leigh Hadaway (19c).

Madison came to Berry a bit shy, but becoming a Communication major soon helped her break out of her shell. Now Madison is a Rome Braves intern where she routinely has the opportunity to shine in front of the camera and in the press box. She works closely with Rome Braves Audiovisual Technician Leigh, so much so that they run a pregame show together.

Leigh, a Visual Communication and History double major, not only works with Rome Braves but also in the sports information department at Berry with supervisor Blake Childers (15C). Childers himself worked at Rome Braves as a Berry student, learning valuable skills that helped him become the Director of Sports Information and Promotions at Berry.

The Rome Braves is a great partner and has enabled our students to put their communications and broadcasting skills to the test—creating an environment where they can stretch their minds and broaden their horizons in order to apply what they’re learning in the classroom and participate in a vibrant community.

staff writer