News & Stories
October 12, 2018

Berry grad starts non-profit for upcoming leaders in ministry across the globe

2018 grad Bekah (Fortney) Baxter took her passion for service and leadership to the next level in her sophomore year at Berry when she created “Chosen Vessels”- a non-profit dedicated to encouraging, equipping and empowering leaders in ministries in developing countries around the globe.

She and her team currently have partners in a small church village in Romania and this year they are heading into Ghana as well as a refugee camp in Greece.

“We have done everything from StrengthsQuest to basic team-building activities, vision and mission development, we’ve brought in professional counselors to do self care and teach them tools to care for their congregation and community,” Bekah says.

Someone who inspired Bekah to lead with a true servant’s heart was Berry Director of Student Activities Cecily Crow. “Cecily serves others radically. She develops students into leaders. When she looks at people, she immediately sees their potential and gifts. She calls people to step up and step out. Berry would not be what it is without her influence, care and leadership,” Bekah says.

Bekah majored in religion and minored in business, a perfect combo for her non-profit entrepreneurship. “Berry taught me personally what it means to be a servant leader, what it means to play hard, and what it looks like to live in authentic relationship with others. I could never fully describe the gifts that Berry has given me,” she says.

In addition to her work with Chosen Vessels, Bekah now attends Asbury Theological Seminary pursuing a master’s degree in intercultural studies.

senior Jordan Roach