News & Stories
November 15, 2018

Berry alums find success at the Georgia Aquarium

Love the aquarium? You don’t have to study marine biology to work there!  The Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta is one of the largest in the world. It’s home to fish, penguins, sharks, whales and now Berry alumni Spencer Miller and Taylor Moore.

Taylor, a 2016 graduate, majored in communication, concentrating in public relations. She also minored in biology.  But she originally had a different plan. “I came to Berry convinced that I would be a biology major working toward a career as a marine biologist,” she says. It was through Associate Professor of Biology Chris Mowry’s mentorship that she found her new path. “Because of him, I realized my more creative side with communications.” Taylor now works as the Social Media Coordinator for the Georgia Aquarium.


Spencer (14C) was a theatre major at Berry and is now working as a lead performer at the aquarium. He participates in pre-shows for dolphin and sea lion shows, holiday performances and puppet shows. He also has a management role. “It is my job to train new hires,” he says. At Berry, Spencer had ample opportunities to refine his acting skills. He was a member of Easy Baked Improv and acted in several Viking Fusion productions. He was also president of Alpha Psi Omega, a national theatre fraternity, and was nominated for several awards. “I gained experience in training others as well as motivating them to do their best,” he says. “Berry prepared me for being a true leader.”

student social media assistant Shannon Rainey