News & Stories
November 30, 2018

Pre-Vet senior spends summer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Pre-Vet student Jessie Cathcart (19c) stepped out of her comfort zone into the field of public health this summer in the Student Worksite Experience Program at the CDC.

Before this summer, Jessie was unaware of how broad the public health field was. At the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, she worked with the Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch and assisted with the CHAMPS project that focuses on children’s health and mortality prevention in Africa and south Asia.

Jessie is a senior animal science major and chemistry minor. From an early age, Jessie knew she wanted to become a vet because of her passion for animals.

Throughout Jessie’s time at Berry, Dr. Patricia Tithof, senior lecturer of the animal science program has had a huge impact within her studies. “She really helped me a lot with my application process to vet school. She read through all my essays, tore apart my application and really pushed me to explore things that I wasn’t comfortable with to gain more experience.”

After graduation, Jessie plans to pursue degrees in veterinary medicine and public health with a focus on equine reproduction and surgery.

senior Jordan Roach

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