News & Stories
November 9, 2018

Environmental science grad makes his passion for community service a reality

Just 10 days after graduation, Jake Hager (18C) accepted the job which includes managing more than 65 programs for the state of Georgia, including tax credits, housing assistance, state community service and much more. Jake’s work is primarily with the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Team as a Development Associate with a focus on long term recovery strategies for the South Georgia cities and counties affected by hurricanes.

As a part of his role with the Disaster Recovery team, he has been sorting and aggregating data for the use of disaster recovery appropriations. This statistics work is familiar to him from his time at Berry College studying with Assistant Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science Anne Marshall. Jake is also currently attending the Georgia Academy for Economic Development.

While at Berry, Jake was a Bonner Scholar which gave him the opportunity to serve multiple organizations in the Rome, Ga., and Berry communities. These included working with Summit Quest Cancer Support Services, being a First Year Mentor, working with Mount Berry Church and acting as Senior Class Vice President with Student Government Association.  His passion for helping others was recognized when he received the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award for service.

“I feel like that many times freshmen (myself included) think they have their lives all figured out and that they are going to use Berry to get to their next step. When actually we have to be open and willing to allow Berry to mold us, to take those opportunities and embrace the plethora of opportunities available to truly find what we are interested in, not just what we feel will gain approval from our parents or peers.”

senior Jordan Roach

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