News & Stories
June 27, 2019

Derrell Mims finds his community through faith

Recent graduate Derrell Mims (19C) left more than a legacy on the football field during his time at Berry. He left a mark on hearts all over campus through his leadership, determination and love for Christ.

“My sophomore year at Berry, I came to Christ. That is by far my happiest, greatest and best memory here at Berry and in my life,” Derrell says. “I have been able to use the spirit in me to be an influence to others and show them that God is the true satisfaction in life and not the things in the world.”

As a collegiate athlete in both football and track, choosing to be an exercise science major came second nature to Derrell. He knew he wanted to seek a degree related to both his love for sports and his love for people. Combining the two, he participated in eight semesters of paid, professional development including the strength and conditioning program. Derrell helped run football workouts and lead women’s soccer workouts, under the mentorship of Football Defensive Coordinator Nate Masters.

“Growing up as a kid, I didn’t have my father in my life,” Derrell says. “I played a lot of sports and was blessed to be around coaches constantly, but I hit the jackpot here at Berry with Coach Masters. He taught me a lot about perseverance and always moving forward. Not letting life break you, but letting it mold you into a man.”

Derrell was part of several conference football championships, earning an All-Conference award his junior year for track and his senior year for football and more. He also was involved with the Blackout Drug and Alcohol Abuse prevention team started by classmate Trent Griner and joined the Black Student Association.

“This organization is special to me because we go to a predominantly white institution and it was amazing to me to see the drive of my fellow African American peers. Berry is an awesome school which has become more and more diverse since my freshman year,” Derrell says. “I wanted to get more involved because oftentimes in life as a black person you don’t feel accepted, you don’t feel wanted, so I wanted to hopefully encourage students in knowing this was a safe place for African Americans to voice their opinions or struggles or emotions!”

Derrell is now on staff with Campus Outreach, a ministry he got involved with at Berry, existing to glorify God and build Christ-like leaders on college campuses.

“You get to do life with college students while being a reflection of God’s love. God has shown me to ‘grow where I was planted,’ and I was planted in Campus Outreach to be a voice for God.”

Alexi Bell (19C)