News & Stories
August 22, 2019

Sarah Sprague aces Berry


Just days after graduating from Berry in May, Sarah Sprague picked up her life and moved to Miami, Florida. There the exercise science major/psychology minor is now pursuing a doctorate in physical therapy at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.

While working on graduate school applications, Sarah realized how many accolades she had. “It was in that moment that I saw how Berry truly holds to the standards of creating life-ready graduates,” she says. “I never noticed how much I really did at Berry until I had the opportunity to put it on paper.”

On campus, Sarah was a Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholar, held several student work positions and played on the volleyball team. As a student athlete, Sarah earned Southern Athletic Association (SAA) Honor Roll all four years, was awarded the Berry Women’s Volleyball Academic MVP and was a part of back-to-back SAA volleyball conference championships.

“Caitlyn Moriarty and J.T. Oats, my volleyball coaches, have been amazing at guiding me through not only Berry’s culture, but the intense and loving program that the volleyball team strives to maintain,” she says. “They supported my dreams of becoming a physical therapist, pushed me to excel in academics and always were ready to listen when I was struggling. I could write a novel on how they have impacted my life for the better.”

Sarah also worked as the student supervisor for both the Outdoor Recreation Department and the Personal Training Program at Berry. She thanks her mentor, Assistant Dean of Student Wellness Michael McElveen, for guiding her along the way. “He has done an excellent job at tailoring my skills and creating a successful individual who can pursue anything,” she says. “No words can thank him for the countless opportunities he has provided me.”

These experiences equipped Sarah with a wide range of portable skills and well-established values that she has been able to take on to her graduate degree.

“Berry was an experience that helped me discover who I was, all while giving me the tools to grow toward it,” Sarah says. “This is a dream come true for me, and I am excited to change the rehabilitation world as the person I have come to be at Berry.”

Alexi Bell (19C) and junior Shannon Rainey