News & Stories
May 23, 2023

Future veterinarian Brooke Appelbaum ’23 accumulated meaningful hours caring for animals, from the cattle and sheep on Berry’s campus farm to beloved pets at a specialty veterinary clinic. She also conducted research that could lead to new ways of protecting livestock from disease. Accepted to four veterinary schools, she chose the University of Georgia.

Feb 20, 2023

Berry has installed a Motus Wildlife Tracking System on campus to track the migratory patterns of North American birds, thanks to a grant from the Georgia Ornithological Society.

Dec 7, 2022

Richards Science Scholar Savannah Cecchini is growing a native milkweed species from seed in the biology department’s teaching greenhouse and studying seed viability and germination rates, with the goal of efficiently rehabilitating the plant on Berry’s campus and in nearby areas.

Oct 20, 2022

Once upon a time, Emily Treon ’22 wanted to be a vet. However, after hands-on experiences and courses in animal nutrition, she discovered there was more to animal science than she ever imagined.

Feb 2, 2022

Biochemistry major Will Bannister ’22 knew he wanted to go into healthcare before he came to Berry, but his decision was sealed after he learned about the One Health program that is strengthening his plans for a career in public health and medicine. Services opportunities cemented his commitment to underserved populations.

Feb 1, 2022

Excited about attending veterinary school, Raven Washington ’22 made the most of her final semester at Berry — completing research for her senior thesis as well as her final season on the women’s basketball team.

Jan 12, 2022

Having hands-on experience working with a variety of animals while managing one of Berry’s student-run enterprises is giving Jacob Bronkema ’23 the knowledge and skills to earn a degree in veterinary medicine and run his own business.

Nov 11, 2021

Biology major Abby Wiseman used connections at Berry to land an internship combining her interests in wildlife behavior and management.

Sep 1, 2021

In pursuit of a veterinary career, Devin Saunders ’22 is bolstering his academic record with research and service experiences at Berry.

May 25, 2021

Associate Professor of Animal Science Sunday Peters is a 2021 Fulbright grant recipient, a prestigious research fellowship that will allow him to take his research abroad.

Mar 10, 2021

Michael Clemmons ’06, a biochemistry major, and Elizabeth Callahan Clemmons ’08, an animal science major and veterinarian, met in band at Berry. Both say their academic training and hands-on experiences in the sciences prepared them for their current positions.

Feb 25, 2021

A stint as a volunteer in sea turtle conservation motivated Emilie Davis ’21 to research hatching rates in Costa Rica — positioning her for a veterinary career in wildlife conservation.

Feb 17, 2021

After a year at a state school, Anna Naguszewski ’21 changed her major to animal science and transferred to Berry — for the stellar pre-vet program and faculty mentoring that has prepared her for a career as a public health veterinarian.

Jun 9, 2020

The debut of Ford Auditorium’s Bell Recital Hall and the beginning of construction on a new animal science building provided a remarkable climax for Berry’s LifeReady Campaign.

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