Faculty Partnerships

Classroom Presentations and Don’t Cancel Class Campaign! 

Want to help your students take the next step in their personal and professional journey? Career Consultants are able to present various career-related topics to your students to meet their needs. All topics can be scaled to fit the timeline (15-60 minutes) you have available and the needs of your class. You can select from the topic list below or contact us to talk about curating content or a programming option that is specific to your class. We look forward to working with you to plan material that meets the needs of your students. 

If you planning to be away and plan to cancel your class, we are happy to step in and cover class for you. We have several personal and professional development topics ready to share with your students.

Topics available at any time:

  • CPPD Overview
  • Debunking Common College & Career Myths
  • Major & Career Exploration
  • Handshake Demonstration
  • Internships Overview
  • Resume Writing Workshop
  • LinkedIn/Networking Tips
  • Job & Internship Search Strategies

Academic Internship Process

Encourage students to participate in internships as they are one of the best ways to explore potential career fields. Students will gain a better understanding of the work environment, gain valuable field related skills, and expand their network for future opportunities. Additional information can be found on the Academic Internships page.

LifeWorks Program

Do you supervise students? LifeWorks has many resources and tools in their LifeWorks Resource Center to help you with your hiring, supervising and professional development training needs. The staff is happy to help answer basic questions about the logistics of the program and are also ready to assist you in thinking how to incorporate additional professional development into your student workers’ experiences.

Employer Engagement/Contacts

We welcome your ideas, information and referrals to connect with potential employers. Contact Lauren Weldon, Associate Director of Employer Engagement, for more info.

Berry College is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers and we are involved in an important process — helping students choose, prepare for, and attain personally rewarding careers. To that end, NACE’s Principles for Ethical Professional Practice are designed to provide everyone involved in the career development and employment process with two basic precepts on which to base their efforts: maintain a recruitment process that is fair and equitable; support informed and responsible decision making by candidates.





WorkPlay Solutions Podcast - College & Career Myths (Part 1) with Dr. Marc Hunsaker

WorkPlay Solutions Podcast - College & Career Myths (Part 2) with Dr. Marc Hunsaker