Student Referrals/Programming Opportunities

Career Advising/Professional Development Appointments

We always appreciate your student referrals. Students can schedule appointments with your school’s Career Consultant via Handshake or call our office at 706.236.2292 and we will be happy to work with them to set something up.

We are also happy to meet with students and help them with the following topics:

  • Job & Internship Search
  • Employer and Alumni Research
  • Major & Career Exploration
  • Resumes and Cover Letters
  • Mock Interviews
  • LinkedIn and Networking
  • Graduate School Preparation 


Encourage students to throw their high school resume out and begin to build their Berry resume to highlight their experiences, skills and outcomes they obtain while they are at Berry! By the time students are hired for a Level 4/5 LifeWorks position, an approved resume is required so they will benefit by drafting one early. 

Student Organizations/Residence Halls/Work Teams

Need professional development programming for your student organization or student work team? Want to collaborate on a possible campus-wide program or an event with a student organization?  Need ideas to expand a current program into a multi-functional opportunity for students or employers? Let us know, we are here to help you generate ideas and support your student needs and department programming.

Career Development Workshops

Our staff and students are equipped to present workshops to classes, cohorts, and other student groups. We have several options and can also create custom workshop content to meet the needs of the particular audience or goal. Workshops are designed to fit within a 40-60 minute time frame unless otherwise noted. Custom workshops are available upon request. We offer a variety of presentations that cover the topics of resume writing, interview tips, marketing your major, effective team communication, and much more! Book a Career Development Workshop here.