Health Center Frequently Asked Questions

For any additional questions you may call 706.236.2267 to speak with a Health Center staff member. All health forms are available on the Medicat Patient Portal.

  1. Two Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccinations.

  2. A Tetanus or TDAP within the last 10 years.

  3. Immunization not received in the state of Georgia will need to be verified with an Immunization Record signed by a health care provider and uploaded to your

  4. If you reside on campus, Georgia state law also requires that you receive a meningitis vaccination within the past 5 years or waive this immunization. A meningitis waiver form may be obtained online via the Medicat Patient Portal at HTTPS://HEALTH.BERRY.EDU 

  5. A tuberculosis screening form. If indicated by the screening tool, you may also be required to have a TB skin test completed and read by a health care provider.

  6. A self-reported health history form.

The Health Center is compliant with FERPA and HIPPA to protect your health information and privacy. Everyone who works at the Health Center has signed a strict confidentiality agreement. Only those directly involved in your care will access your medical record. Our recent transition to electronic medical record keeping has added an additional level of security. We will not share your health record or discuss your information with anyone unless you have given us written consent to do so.

Usually no. Most of the services we provide are free to students. There is no charge for nurse, NP or physician visits. We provide many over-the-counter medications that students may need to manage symptoms of minor illnesses and injuries. We also loan equipment such as crutches, nebulizers, and resource materials that must be signed out and returned. Referrals can be made for off campus services, such as lab work or x-rays. Charges for those services are billed directly to the student's medical insurance by the providing facility.

Our front desk staff is comprised of student workers. Those staff members will greet you, verify that your forms are completed, take you to the next available treatment room, and measure your vital signs. Depending on the reason for your visit, you will see a registered nurse, nurse practitioner or physician who will complete an assessment and make appropriate recommendations for treatment. During your visit it may be necessary to do point of care testing, such as a COVID-19, flu, or strep swab. You may be offered common over-the-counter medications to manage your symptoms or given a prescription as needed. Prescriptions will be sent electronically to the student's pharmacy of choice and must be picked up and paid for by the student.

Yes. To make an appointment, please call the office at 706.236.2267 or you may schedule online through your Medicat Patient Portal. If you are scheduling over the phone, please make sure to communicate the appropriate appointment reason to ensure that you are scheduled with the appropriate provider. Same day appointments are often available. Walk-in availability cannot be guaranteed.

Yes. The nurse, nurse practitioner and physician are all able to provide prescriptions when the examination indicated for maintenance medications, such as antidepressants or oral birth control. The Health Center DOES NOT prescribe any controlled medications. Controlled medications include certain medications for anxiety like Klonopin and Xanax, pain medications, and medications for ADD/ADHD. These medications must be managed outside the Health Center by another provider.

Yes. The Health Center offers students a free flu shot clinic in the fall.

Yes. You must provide the following to receive your injections in the Health Center:

  1. A doctor's order stating that you have permission to receive your injection at Berry.

  2. Serum for the injections (must remain in our refrigerator while you are at Berry.)

  3. The injections must be given while the MD or nurse practitioner are in the building.

  4. You will need to stay for at least 30 minutes to be observed for any adverse reactions. There are no exceptions.

  5. You will need to have an EpiPen with you to receive and allergy injection.

  6. We will NOT be responsible for skin testing, the initial dose for new patients, or those resuming therapy after an extended delay in treatment.

The Health Center has a variety of over-the-counter medicines and first aid supplies that students can obtain during operating hours (Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm). A simple first aid kit may be assembled and brought with you to Berry. Some items that are recommended:

  • Band-Aids

  • Neosporin ointment

  • Hydrogen peroxide

  • Tylenol, Advil

  • Pepto Bismol

  • Non-drowsy decongestant

  • Non-drowsy cough medicine

  • Hydrocortisone cream

  • Thermometer

  • Also, any prescription medicines that the student needs, and any medical equipment that the student uses (inhalers, braces, nebulizers, etc.)

It is very important that you have the following:

  1. Proof of medical insurance - a copy of your health insurance card will do. If you do not have insurance, you may obtain coverage through the Affordable Care Act at

  2. Name of area pharmacies which accept your insurance policy.

  3. Area hospitals which accept your insurance plan.

  4. List of any medicines, side effects, and medication allergies.