News & Stories
March 12, 2021

Berry student newspaper earns top awards in state competition

The Berry College student newspaper, Campus Carrier, recently won 13 awards for journalism excellence in the 2020 Georgia College Press Association Better Newspaper Contest.

The newspaper received third-place award for general excellence in its division.

“I am really excited that the Carrier is recognized as one of the best college newspapers in the state,” said Taylor Corley, a junior from Denver, who serves as editor in chief of the newspaper. “We do our best to serve the Berry community with accurate, meaningful and compelling coverage each week.”

In the Senior B Division, which includes four-year colleges and universities with enrollments under 8,000, the Campus Carrier staff also earned first place in Layout and Design Excellence, first place in General Advertising Excellence, second place in Best Campus Community Service – Features, second place in Best Campus Community Service – Sports and second place in Best Campus Community Service – Editorial Excellence.

Individual awards are as follows:

• Corley and Timothy Belin, of Genolier, Switzerland, earned first for Best Sports Story
• Jamison Guice, of Cedartown, Ga., and Zander Carver, of Silver Greek, Ga., earned first place for Best Feature Story
• Kelsee Brady, of Doerun, Ga. and Jamison Guice, of Cedartown, Ga., earned first place for Best Entertainment Feature
• Corley earned third place for Best Entertainment Feature
• Mya Sedwick, of Alto, Ga., earned third place for Best Editorial or Editorial Series
• Rette Solomon, of Durham, N.C., earned third place for Best Photograph - News
• Claire Voltarel, of Wheaton, Ill., earned third place for Best Photograph - Editorial/Feature

The Campus Carrier is published weekly for the students, faculty and staff of Berry College.


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